It continues to amaze how young people can live without water, food, and clothing, yet have such joy and love for the world around them!

Our crew this time (minus me of course) :

Front Row: Virginia, Brad and Justin

Back Row: SCOTT (thanks Scott!), Katrina, Pete, Rob, Matt, and Jeff

Scott and Pete showing the UNR strength and willingness to help the local population with a repair!

Justing and Rob overseeing another repair by Matt and Virginia - Go ND!

Jeff having fun at a Bayeau school, meeting the local students!

The true joy of rethreading sucker rod!

The beautiful faces!

Our Fall 2001 Student Trip To Haiti

During October of 2001, we extended our Haiti seminar one more step by joining with the University of Nevada, Reno, in a joint pump-repair trip!  We supplied four undergraduates (and me), while Nevada supplied 4 graduate students and Scott Tyler.

The group was once again based in Cap Haitien, Haiti, but reached out to the village of Bayeau (identified last spring) for a new training opportunity.

The goals of this program were to:
--> Expose the students to life in Haiti
--> Provide for interaction between
students and Haitiens
--> Provide an opportunity to extend our training to Bayeau
--> Provide an opportunity for a joint venture among UND, UNR and the people of Haiti
--> Provide an opportunity to repair wells
and extend the work to new areas

As in previous trips, the students got their hands dirty in the field, repairing wells!

The trip was once again supported through housing and vehicles provided by OMS, a missionary group with a significant compound in Cap Haitien. We are deeply endebted to this group for continuing housing and logistical support. They also have an incredible radio ministry housed in their NEW, and UNBELIEVABLY impressive, radio station {Radio 4VEH}

The Notre Dame portion of this trip was supported by generous funds provided by the Veldman family.  We are particularly appreciative of the interest and support of Wilma and Peter Veldman.

Additional funds were derived from proceeds from the Paul Rupp, Jr., Endowment.

The trip was an enormous success with students making close contact with the missionaries at OMS, with the men in Bayeau, with Pastor Alex's men, and with the incredible Haitiens in the various villages we visited.

This is on the road to Bayeau, a beautiful valley west of Cap Haitien


The Beautiful Skies of Lynx Air

Ultimate Frisbee

Scott's Back!

The Bayeau Guys

The "Standard" Repairs
(I've never seen this before!)

The Wonderful Roads

My Driving

The "Short-cut"

The food

The kids


Coming Home