Work In Haiti

Working on Wells and Source Protection In Haiti

This work involves our activities in association with Lifewater International, an organization dedicated to improving water supplies for the rural areas of the world.

This particular page relates to two separate trips to Haiti in January and May, 1997. One of the amazing items on these trips is that, for the first time, a Notre Dame student (Mr. Conn McKelvey) joined in the trip.

Due to the fact that all of my pictures are currently on slides, this page remains under construction. However, some of the amazing accomplishments of this pair of trips are:

(1) Mike Turvey, Garrett Robinson, and I survived the January trip!

(2) Mike and I actually got on our plane to leave Port-au-Prince (despite three days of airport "hanging")

(3) We accomplished an initial exploratory trip to St. Michel and Dubuche with a report to Lifewater completed by Mike Turvey

(4) We returned to St. Michel in May and accomplished initial driller's training with the LS-100 rig

(5) We learned how to shower in the rainfall coming off the roof

(6) We learned how to collect drinking water as rainfall off the roof

(7) We found out that a generator, plus an electrical cord with a cut in it, plus a puddle of water makes for great fireworks,

(8) We drilled a working water well!!

More later as photographs are scanned!

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