Hands from Notre Dame link with hands from Haiti to provide clean water

Some of the Members of our 1999 team: Pictured at top from left to right are Bob, me, Fr. John, Angela (back), Shannon (up front), Darren (back), Jen (front), Dan (back), and Chris (front).

Kathy is above a squatting Father John in the bottom picture! (a Lifewater volunteer)

Prayers and Journals by Flashlight!

Meeting with the Haitien people and dancing for the joy of life and the joy of God letting us be there

Never forget the roads!!

Our First Student Trip To Haiti - 1999
{With apologies to Conn who went first as an individual student}


During March of 1999, a group of ten people wandered to Cap Haitien, Haiti, as part of an experiential seminar conducted by the University of Notre Dame

The goals of this program were to:
--> Repair a number of hand pump wells
--> Expose the students to life in Haiti
--> Provide for interaction between
students and Haitiens
--> Provide an opportunity to train local
Haitiens in hand pump repair
--> Provide an opportunity for these
students to live their faith

The group consisted of myself (Steve Silliman, Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences at Notre Dame), Kathy Fitzgerald (a volunteer from Lifewater International (a Christian organization which focuses on providing clean water in developing countries), Fr. John Herman (csc) and 7 students (shown at left).

The trip was supported through housing and vehicles provided by OMS, a missionary group with a significant compound in Cap Haitien. We are deeply endebted to this group for housing and logistical support.

The trip was a great success with students making close contact with both the missionaries at OMS and the Haitien people in a number of small towns and villages. The hand pump repair provided the students with a number of opportunities to work with and around the Haitien people.

Further, prayers said by the group both before and after each attempted repair provided an opportunity for our faith to be witnessed among the Haitien people.

Finally, nightly mass offered by Fr. John, combined with time for journaling and reflection among the group, provided a time for growth for each of us which is rarely experienced in everyday classes and masses in our comfortable churches in the U.S.


The Driving

Lynx Air

The "new" airport

"Sugar Daddy"

The OMS Compound

The hospital and the clinic

The roads!

Chris asleep

The repaired wells

The food


Reflections and Prayers

The kids

The truck window!

The market

Darren, Jen and Shannon on Neal's trip

The wrong threads

A working well!

Chris still asleep

Spring Break in the Carribean (paid for by ND!)

The Sunday service

What do you mean they moved the parts to another well?

Shopping (we're done Bob)

Edrich (spelling?)

Pastor Alex

The hike (good aim Darren)

Chris asleep AGAIN

Chris and Angela with kids

Rain in the pickup

We're almost to the beach!

Coming Home