The piezometers consist of 1/8 inch O.D. tubes which
are passed through the plexiglass wall of the tank. The hole is created in the
plexiglass with a drill and is sealed after the tube is passed through with
silicon glue. On the exterior of the tank, the 1/8 inch tube is unioned with
1/4 inch O.D. tube which can be run either to a manometer board or to a high
precision pressure transducer. It is estimated that the precision of water
level measurements is approximately 0.5 mm on the manometer board (using new
tubing), but that this precision decays with time as biological growth changes
the inner surface properties of the tube (thereby influencing surface tension
and observed water level in the manometer). Using a high precision pressure
transducer, we can measure head with a precision of approximately 0.1 mm, but
must be careful of electrical and instrument drift both with time a
temperature. The impact of temperature is reduced by placing the entire
experiment in a climate controlled chamber.
One concern is always the impact of the tube on the flow field. This figure
shows the interior wall of the tank with all piezometer tubes installed. Each
tube extend for approximately 5 mm into the tank. Our initial analysis of this
density indicates that these tubes do not significantly influence the flow field.
Close agreement between the heads measured in these tubes and the heads
predicted using MODFLOW support this conclusion.
Also included for this experiment are over 300 pairs of platinum wires. Once
again installed through the wall of the tank, these wire pairs allow estimation
of the concentration of ionic species such as chloride. Calibration of these
"electrodes" is performed in situ.