Experiments run on multiple realizations of 2nd order stationary random conductivity fields

In work supported by the Subsurface Science Program at the U.S. Department of Energy, we have constructed two realizations of a 2nd-order stationary, exponentially correlated, random permeability field. Each field was first generated on the computer and then constructed in the flow cell using 10 mixtures of sands characterized by permeabilities which range over approximately 2 orders of magnitude. The overall size of the tank is 1.6 meters in the mean flow direction and up to ~0.67 meters perpendicular to the mean flow direction. The tank is nominally ~0.09 meters in width.

The First Realization

The Second Realization

A number of experiments have been run in these two realizations. Among these are:

---> Hydraulic tests allowing analysis of both the theory presented in the dissertation of Dr. Li Zheng (now with the Kansas Geological Survey) and the effective hydraulic conductivity.
---> Tracer tests using two-dimensional plumes that are monitored internally (at more than 360 platinum electrodes).
---> Biological tracer tests in which breakthrough of the bacteria were measured at a pumping well, the concentration of bacteria in the fluid phase were monitored through withdrawal of water from 24 sampling locations, and the final concentration of bacteria on the sediments were monitored through destructive sampling.
---> Tracer tests to pumping wells located in an otherwise mean-regional flow field.


Results from this series of experiments are discussed in:

Silliman, S.E., R. Dunlap, M. Fletcher and M.A. Schneegurt, “Bacterial transport in heterogeous porous media: Observations from laboratory experiments”, Water Resources Research, 37(11), 2699-2708, 2001.

Silliman, S.E., “Laboratory study of chemical transport to wells within heterogeneous porous media”, Water Resources Research, 37(7), 1883-1892, 2001.

Silliman, S.E., and L. Zheng, “Comparison of observations from a laboratory model with stochastic theory: Initial analysis of hydraulic and tracer experiments”, Transport in Porous Media, 42(1/2), 85-107, 2001.

Zheng, L., and S.E. Silliman, “Estimating the variance and integral scale of the transmissivity field using head residual increments”, Water Resources Research, 36(5), 1353-1358, 2000.

Berkowitz, B., H. Scher, and S. Silliman, “Anomalous transport in laboratory-scale, heterogeneous porous media”, Water Resources Research, 36(1), 149-158, 2000. {Correction appeared 36(5), 1371, 2000.}

Zheng. L. and S. Silliman, “Estimating the theoretical semivariogram from finite numbers of measurements”, Water Resources Research, 36(1), 361-367, 2000.

Silliman, S.E., L. Zheng, and P. Conwell, “The use of laboratory experiments for the study of conservative solute transport in heterogeneous porous media”, Hydrogeology Journal, 6, 166-177, 1998.

Silliman, S.E., and S. Caswell, “Observations of measured hydraulic conductivity in two artificial, confined aquifers with boundaries”, Water Resources Research, 34(9), 2203-2213, 1998.