Math 148 Survey of Calculus Fall 2022



Calculus and its Applications, Brief Version, 12th ed. by Bittinger, Ellenbogen, Surgent, and Kramer.


A one semester introduction to differential and integral calculus designed to convey the significance, use and application of calculus for liberal arts students, particularly those in the behavioral, biological, and social sciences. Prerequisite: MATH 100 OR an ALEKS score of 71 or better.


Students will develop facility with the language and techniques of calculus. Students will use limit laws, theorems about continuity, and differentiation rules to take limits, determine when/where a function is continuous, and evaluate derivatives. Students will learn to evaluate integrals using the fundamental theorem of calculus (and appropriate integration techniques). Students will use these techniques to solve problems coming from other disciplines. Students will also develop their skills at mathematical writing as they communicate increasingly complex solutions.

Outcomes for a Core Mathematics Course:

These learning outcomes support the University Core curriculum learning outcomes:
A) Students will be able to use the basic modes of inquiry and expression of the disciplines that represent liberal education.
C) Students will be able to communicate clearly and persuasively, using ideas and arguments based on evidence, logic, and critical thinking.


Grades will be based on scores on exams, quizzes, WeBWorK, and worksheets. There will be three exams during the semester, each worth 12% of the final grade. In addition, a cumulative final exam will count for 24% of the grade. The remaining 40% of the grade will come from scores on WeBWorK assignments (18%), quizzes (12%), and worksheets (10%). An approximate schedule for the semester is on the course website. No extra credit will be given. Final grades will be assigned using the following scale (with + or - for the top and bottom scores within appropriate ranges):
Score Grade
90-100 A
80-90 B
70-80 C
60-70 D
0-60 F


Graded homework sets will be assigned using a free online system called WeBWorK. You will have about one WeBWorK assignment each week. Solutions are automatically and instantaneously checked and you are allowed to retry each problem as often as you want. You should take advantage of this to get a perfect score on every WeBWorK asignment.

A list of additional suggested exercises in the textbook is posted on the course schedule. These problems will not be collected or graded, however, math is a skill (like playing a musical instrument) and practice is the only way to build that skill. In general, I try to make the WeBWorK assignments short (in terms of number of problems) but challenging. This means I avoid some of the routine problems that are important for building facility with a new technique. Instead, those problems are in the suggested exercises. I expect you to do enough of those problems to feel comfortable solving the more difficult problems on the WeBWorK. It is up to you to determine how much practice is enough (I think more is always better, but you're the expert on how you learn, so I'm leaving it up to you to decide).


I will try to provide a worksheet for each section of the book. These worksheets generally have two goals:

Questions in the first category will be graded for completion only while others may be scored for accuracy. I'll provide some class time for worksheets, but you'll also have to work at home. You're encouraged to collaborate on the worksheets, but anything you turn in should reflect your own understanding of the solution (otherwise my feedback isn't helpful to you). All worksheets and deadlines will be posted on the schedule.


Exams encourage you to review, practice, and refine your calculus skills. My goal is to make exams long enough to cover the relevant material, but short enough that it doesn't take me forever to grade and return them. Examples of past exams can be found on the old editions of the course web page. Calculators will not be allowed on exams.


Quizzes give you an opportunity to practice for exams. Each quiz will generally have only one or two problems. Taking the quiz gives you half the points. The rest are earned by solving the problem(s) correctly.

Math Learning Center:

Help on the homework or other class material is available in the Math Learning Center for over 60 hours per week. A schedule of open times can be found at: Math Learning Center.


Gonzaga University presumes that students have sufficient maturity to recognize their responsibility for regular class engagement, and attendance is a general expectation no matter the teaching modality. My priority is to have students engaged with the class and learning the material, so I will do my best to accomodate students who need to miss class. If you become sick or need to miss class for COVID-related reasons, I will work with you to help you catch up; don't come to class if you are feeling sick. For all other absences, please communicate directly with me to make a plan for making up missed work, if possible before the absence. Gonzaga's standard policy on absences allows instructors to give a grade of "V" to any student who misses 6 or more classes. Students who miss this many classes generally earn a grade of F, even when given the opportunity to make up all their missed work.

FERPA and Privacy:

Under FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), your student records are confidential and protected. Under most circumstances your records will not be released without your written and signed consent; exception includes some directory information. Instructors are not allowed to publicly post grades by student name, social security number, GU student identification number, or any other identifiable means, without written consent from students involved. The FERPA policy does not apply to third party online applications that may be used in courses (i.e. WeBWorK and Gradescope) such that it is the student's responsibility to read the privacy documentation at each website.

Academic integrity:

All members of the Gonzaga community are expected to adhere to principles of honesty and integrity in their academic endeavors, and I will abide strictly by procedures and guidelines of the University's Academic Integrity Policy. Students and faculty are governed by this policy, and I encourage you to familiarize yourself with its scope and procedures. Ignorance of the policy will not serve as a defense against any violations.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Gonzaga University does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, military status, or any characteristic protected by local, state, or federal law, or any other non-merit factor in employment, educational program, or activities that it operates

Harassment, non-discrimination, and sexual misconduct:

Consistent with its mission, Gonzaga seeks to assure that all community members learn and work in a welcoming and inclusive environment (please review the Harrassment and Discrimination Policy). Title VII, Title IX, and Gonzaga's policy prohibit gender-based harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct. Gonzaga encourages anyone experiencing gender-based harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct to talk to someone from Gonzaga's reporting and support resources list found here: Title IX | myGU.

It may be helpful to talk about what happened in order to get the support needed and for Gonzaga to respond appropriately. There are options for support and resolution, namely confidential support resources, and campus reporting and support options available. Gonzaga will respond to all reports of sexual misconduct in order to stop the harassment, discrimination, or misconduct, prevent its recurrence and address its effects. Responses may vary from support service referrals to formal investigations.

As a faculty member, I want get you connected to the resources here on campus specially trained in and experienced in assisting in such complaints, and therefore I will report all incidents of gender-based harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct to Title IX (in fact, I am required to report such incidents). A representative from that office will reach out to you via phone and/or email to explore options for support, safety measures and reporting. I will provide our Title IX Director with all relevant details, including names and identifying information, of the information reported. For more information about policies and resources or reporting options, please visit the following websites: Equity and Inclusion and Title IX. If you would like to directly make a report of harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct directly, you may fill out an online Sexual Misconduct Report Form or contact the Title IX Director by phone, email, or in person:
Christina Thomas
Lead Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Our human differences contribute to the richness of our academic community life. In partnership with the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, we expect everyone to cultivate an academic environment that is welcoming and accessible to students, staff, and instructors regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, and sexual orientation or identity. The Bias Incident Assessment and Support (BIAS) Team exists to foster a campus environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Those who experience or witness a bias incident should visit the BIAS Report site.

Students with disabilities and/or medical conditions:

The Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides civil rights protection for persons with disabilities and requires that students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides reasonable accommodations. As COVID-related challenges persist, students with qualifying disabilities and/or medical conditions, as per CDC recommendations for higher education, are eligible for and may request reasonable accommodations through established procedures. Students should contact the Disability Access Office to begin the process. In addition, Gonzaga University seeks to provide equal access to electronic content consistent with applicable federal and state laws, such that when possible “Accessible Documents” will be created with the proper formatting tools to maximize communication of content regardless of what device or adaptive equipment he or she is using; see Electronic Information Technology Accessibility (EITA).

Religious Accommodations for Students

In compliance with Washington State law (RCW 28.10.039), it is the policy of Gonzaga University to reasonably accommodate students who, due to the observance of religious holidays, expect to be absent or endure a significant hardship during certain days of their academic course or program. The Policy on Religious Accommodations for Students describes procedures for students requesting a Religious Accommodation and for faculty responding to such a request.

Course evaluation:

At Gonzaga, we take teaching seriously, and we ask our students to evaluate their courses and instructors so that we can provide the best possible learning experience. In that spirit, we ask students to give us feedback on their classroom experience near the end of the semester. I will ask you to take a few minutes then to carry out course/instructor evaluations in class. Please know that I appreciate your participation in this process. This is a vital part of our efforts at Gonzaga to improve continually our teaching, our academic programs, and our entire educational effort.

Links and class resources

Office hours

Logan Axon
Department of Mathematics
MSC 2615
Gonzaga University
Spokane, WA 99258
Office: Herak 227A
Phone: 509.313.3897

4. Diatomea

Image source: Wikimedia Commons

Last updated 8/31/2022