Kate Kearney

Gonzaga University Mathematics
Office: Bollier 225
Email: kearney@gonzaga.edu
Curriculum Vitae

Welcome to my webpage. I am an associate professor at Gonzaga University.

I graduated from Indiana University in 2011. I spent 2011-2014 working as a postdoc at Louisiana State University. I study Knot Theory, and completed my thesis with Chuck Livingston. In particular, my work focuses on the relationship between knots and surfaces. For my thesis, I used the d-invariant from Heegaard Floer theory as an obstruction to knots bounding mobius bands. I have also researched the concordance genus and the stable concordance genus of knots, Klein knots and links, and knotoids. My recent research is on intrinsic symmetries of knots and knot mosaics.
Linking Numbers of Klein Links with Steven Beres, Vesta Coufal, Ryan Lattanzi and Hayley Olson
Knots Related by Knotoids with Colin Adams, Allison Henrich, and Nicholas Scoville
A classification of Klein links as torus links with Steven Beres, Vesta Coufal, Kaia Hlavacek, Ryan Lattanzi, Hayley Olson, Joel Pereira and Bryan Strub
The Concordance Genus of 11--Crossing Knots
The Stable Concordance Genus
• An Obstruction to Knots Bounding Mobius Bands in B^4

Since 2022, Gonzaga has used Canvas, and I maintain resources for my classes there. Current students should check Canvas for course information.

Older courses:
Calculus 258 Sections 01 & 05 (Spring 2022)
FYS: Knitting (Spring 2022)
Calculus 259 (Fall 2021)
Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Fall 2021)
Linear Algebra (Summer 2021)
Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2021)
Discrete Math (Spring 2021)
Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2020)
Statistics for Experimentalists (Spring 2020)
Excursions in Mathematics (Fall 2019)
Fundamentals of Mathematics (Fall 2019)
Linear Algebra (Summer 2019)
ODE (Summer 2019)
Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2019)
Complex Variables (Spring 2019)
Discrete Math (Fall 2018)
Geometry 341 (Fall 2018)
Calculus 157 (Summer 2018)
ODE (Summer 2018)
Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2018)
Linear Algebra (Spring 2018)
Discrete Math (Spring 2017)
Calculus 259 (Spring 2017)
Calculus 258 Sections 01 & 03 (Fall 2016)
Topology (Fall 2016)
Calculus 157 (Summer 2016)
Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2016)
Knot Theory (Spring 2016)
Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Fall 2015)
Calculus 258 Sections 02 & 05 (Spring 2015)
Linear Algebra (Spring 2015)
Calculus 157 Section 02 & 05 (Fall 2014)
Geometry 341 (Fall 2014)

• Math 7550 Differential Topology and Geometry (Spring 2014)
• Math 2020 Discrete Problem Solving (Fall 2013)
• Math 4005 Geometry (Spring 2013)
• Math 7590 Braids and Braid Groups (Fall 2013)
• Math 4171 Intro to Graph Theory (Spring 2012)
• Math 1552 Calculus II (Fall 2011)

• M118 Finite Math (Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010)
• J110 Problem Solving (Summer 2007, Summer 2008, Summer 2009, Summer 2010)
• D116 Finite Math I (Spring 2009)
• M025 Precalculus (Fall 2006, Spring 2007, Spring 2008)
• M027 Precalculus with Trig (Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2007)

Here are slides from a few talks I have given:
An Obstruction to Knots bounding Mobius bands in B^4 - Program for Women and Math - Institute for Advanced Study 2012
The Stable Concordance Genus - Lloyd Roeling Conference - University of Louisiana, Lafayette 2013
Concordance Genus of 11-Crossing Knots - AMS Sectional Meeting - Tulane - 2012
Knots, Concordance and More - GEAUX Program for Incoming Graduate Students - LSU - 2013

I co-organized the Baton Rouge Young Topologists Research Retreat with Moshe Cohen at LSU in January 2012.

I also enjoy hiking, baking, and knitting, among other things.
Joe Kearney, my dad, is a Professor of Computer Science at University of Iowa.
Bridget Kearney, my sister, is a musician in Lake Street Dive
Margaret Kearney, my other sister, is a textile artist and high school teacher.
My mom and my brother, Matt, are pretty cool too, but don't have websites for me to post here.