JMP Download

Current version is 17.0

Mac (Catalina/10.15 and above) ver 17.0:

  1. Download JMP Pro 17 for Mac OS X
  2. Open the file "JMP-Pro-17.dmg"
  3. Copy the file "JMP-Pro-17-Mac.txt" to your Desktop
  4. Open the file "JMP Pro 17.pkg," and install JMP Pro 17
    1. Do not check for updates
  5. In the "Applications" folder, run "JMP Pro 17"
    1. Click "Open License"
    2. Choose the "JMP-Pro-17-Mac.txt" file on your Desktop
    3. Click "OK" on the next two screens and you are ready to go

Mac (Mojave/10.14 ) ver 16.0:

  1. Download JMP Pro 16 for Mac OS X
  2. Open the file "JMP-Pro-16.dmg"
  3. Copy the file "JMP-Pro-16-Mac.txt" to your Desktop
  4. Open the file "JMP Pro 16.pkg," and install JMP Pro 16
    1. Do not check for updates
  5. In the "Applications" folder, run "JMP Pro 16"
    1. Click "Open License"
    2. Choose the "JMP-Pro-16-Mac.txt" file on your Desktop
    3. Click "OK" on the next two screens and you are ready to go

Mac (Sierra/10.12 and High Sierra) ver 15.2:

  1. Download JMP Pro 15 for Mac OS X
  2. Open the file "JMP-Pro-15.dmg"
  3. Copy the file "JMP-Pro-15-Mac.txt" to your Desktop
  4. Open the file "JMP Pro 15.pkg," and install JMP Pro 15
    1. Do not check for updates
  5. In the "Applications" folder, run "JMP Pro 15"
    1. Click "Open License"
    2. Choose the "JMP-Pro-15-Mac.txt" file on your Desktop
    3. Click "OK" on the next two screens and you are ready to go


  1. Download JMP Pro 17 for Windows (Zip format).
  2. Extract the file to the location of your choice (Right-click the file and select "Extract All").
  3. Run "JMP Pro 17 Install.exe" (located in the "JMP-Pro-Install" folder) .
  4. Do not check for updates.
  5. When you first run JMP Pro 17, a JMP Registration window will pop up. Select "Wait to Register".
  6. Once the installation is complete, run "JMP Pro 17"
    1. Click on the "Help" menu and select "Renew License"
    2. Click "Open License"
    3. Navigate to the "JMP-Pro-Install" folder and select & open the "JMP-Pro-17-Windows.txt" file
    4. You may personalize your JMP license as you wish
