# zymogen_overlay PyMOL script
# Chymotrypsin and chymotrypsinogen
# jdc 2014_11_04
# Article title: Is gamma-chymotrypsin a tetrapeptide acyl-enzyme
# adduct of gamma-chymotrypsin?
# chain D, the PGAY tetrapeptide adduct, is at occupancy 0.92
# covalently linked to Ser195 (chain C)
load 1gct.pdb, chy
# chain A residues 1-11, B = 16-146, C = 151-245
# chain D is a 4-residue fragment (500* -504)
select A, chain A
select B, chain B
select C, chain C
select D, chain D
select Ser195, resi 195
select His57, resi 57
select Asp102, resi 102
select oxyhole, resi 193-195
#select wat, resi 619
disable Asp102
center His57
# add hydrogen bonds between selections
h_add His57
select SD, Ser195 | Asp102
select don, (elem n,o and (neighbor hydro))
select acc, (elem o or (elem n and not (neighbor hydro)))
dist HBA, (His57 and acc),(SD and don), 3.2
dist HBD, (H57 and don),(SD and acc), 3.2
delete don
delete acc
hide (hydro)
dist HD, /chy/1GCT/B/57/ND1, /chy/1GCT/B/102/OD1
hide labels,HBA
hide labels,HBD
# chymotrypsinogen at 1.8 A resolution
# 2 molecules (A and B) in the asymmetric unit
load 2cga.pdb, zymo
select zymoA, zymo and chain A
select zymoB, zymo and chain B
select z-Ser195, resi 195 and zymo and chain A
select z-His57, resi 57 and zymo and chain A
select z-Asp102, resi 102 and zymo and chain A
select z-oxyhole, resi 193-195 and zymo and chain A
select z-waters, resn HOH and zymo and chain A
disable z-waters
align chy, zymoA