Quickstart guide to run ngspice1. CMOS inverter netlist C5_inverter_VTC.cir
*** SPICE deck for C5_inverter_VTC.cir .global gnd vdd * MOSTs models .include ../../class/models/C5_models_bsim3.mod * circuit (CMOS inverter) Mnmos out in gnd gnd NMOS L=0.6U W=3U Mpmos vdd in out vdd PMOS L=0.6U W=6U Vin in gnd DC 0V VDD VDD 0 DC 5 * Analysis (VTC) .DC Vin 0 5 1m * Outputs .PLOT DC V(out) v(in) .END 2. Browse to the location of the netlist $ cd //VBOXSVR/talarico/ngs406/Electric 3. Create an initialization file .spiceinit with the following configurations .spiceinit
set ngbehavior=hs set ng_nomodcheck set color0=white set color1=black set xbrushwidth=2
4. Start ngspice in interactive mode $ ngspice
5. Have ngspice parsing the netlist ngspice 1 -> source C5_inverter_VTC.cir 6. Run the simulation ngspice 2 -> run Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 Warning: Pd = 0 is less than W. Warning: Ps = 0 is less than W. Warning: Pd = 0 is less than W. Warning: Ps = 0 is less than W. No. of Data Rows : 5001 7. Display all vectors ngspice 3 -> display Here are the vectors currently active: Title: *** spice deck for cell c5_inverter_vtc{sch} from library c5_cmos Name: dc1 (DC transfer characteristic) Date: Fri Nov 5 20:28:26 2021 in : voltage, real, 5001 long out : voltage, real, 5001 long v-sweep : voltage, real, 5001 long [default scale] vdd : voltage, real, 5001 long vdd#branch : current, real, 5001 long vin#branch : current, real, 5001 long 8. Display all voltages ngspice 4 -> display allv in : voltage, real, 5001 long out : voltage, real, 5001 long v-sweep : voltage, real, 5001 long [default scale] vdd : voltage, real, 5001 long 9. Display all currents ngspice 5 -> display alli vdd#branch : current, real, 5001 long vin#branch : current, real, 5001 long 10. Plot v(in) and v(out) ngspice 6 -> plot v(in) v(out)
11. Other common commands that can be used with the interactive interpreter are:
12. For more information look up the ngspice manual |