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March 22-28, 2010  
Greek Week Events Calendar (March 22-28)

Below is the full calendar for the Greek Week events. For further detail on specific events this week, please see the full pages elsewhere on this website.

Monday, March 22

EVENT: The Homer-athon
: Crosby Student Center
TIME: 9 am - ?

To sign up for this event, please contact: Leah Marley (lmarley@gonzaga.edu)


Tuesday, March 23

EVENT: "The Lysistrata and its Context: Athens, Sparta and the Peloponnesian War". A free lecture on ancient history by Prof. Andrew Goldman (Gonzaga University).
LOCATION: Jepson Center 114, Wolff Auditorium
TIME: 4:30 pm


Wednesday, March 24

EVENT: "The 'Desperate Housewives' of Aristophanes' Lysistrata: Women and Social Reality in Athens and Sparta". A free lecture on women in ancient Greece by Dr. Ardy Bass (Gonzaga University).
LOCATION: Jepson Center 114, Wolff Auditorium
TIME: 5:00 pm

EVENT: "Hercules" (the Disney version). Sponsored by Eta Sigma Phi (the National Classics Society).
LOCATION: Jundt Center 110, Jundt Auditorium
TIME: 6:30-8:30 pm

Thursday, March 25 (Greek Independence Day!)



EVENT: "The Labors of Herakles Hunt". A campus-wide treasure hunt for students, sponsored by Unity House. Free and open to all students (see the Greek Week Student Events page for more details).
LOCATION: Unity House, 709 E. DeSmet
TIME: 1-2 pm

For more details, please contact: Tara Schmidt (tschmidt2@gonzaga.edu)

EVENT: “Anatomy of an Ancient Theatre: The Theatre of Dionysus in Athens”. A free lecture on ancient theater construction and the premier ancient theater in Greece by Prof. Thomas Hines (Whitman College).
LOCATION: Jepson Center 114, Wolff Auditorium
TIME: 4:30 pm

EVENT: Open Reception for Lysistrata and Greek Week
LOCATION: Lobby of the Magnuson Theater, College Hall
TIME: 6 pm

EVENT: Aristophanes' Lysistrata (with post-production discussion and commentary by Prof. Thomas Hines) .
LOCATION: The Harry and Colleen Magnuson Theater at Gonzaga University
TIME: 7:30 pm


Friday, March 26

EVENT: "The Stagecraft and Performance of Lysistrata". A free lecture on Greek drama in the 5th century BC by one of the foremost scholars in ancient comedy, Prof. C. W. Marshall ( University of British Columbia).
LOCATION: Jepson Center 114, Wolff Auditorium
TIME: 4:30 pm

EVENT: Aristophanes' Lysistrata (with post-production commentary and discussion by Prof. C. W. Marshall).
LOCATION: The Harry and Colleen Magnuson Theater at Gonzaga University
TIME: 7:30 pm
Saturday, March 27

EVENT: The Student Olympic Competition
TIME: 10 am

EVENT: “Allowed Fools? Four Models of the Role of Comedy in the Politics of Democratic Athens”. A free lecture on ancient comedy and Athenian politics by Prof. Nigel Nicholson (Reed College).
LOCATION: Jundt Center 110, Jundt Auditorium
TIME: Noon

EVENT: Aristophanes' Lysistrata (with post-production commentary and discussion by Prof. Nigel Nicholson).
LOCATION: The Harry and Colleen Magnuson Theater at Gonzaga University
TIME: 2 pm
EVENT: “In a Dream of Passion: The Classical Greek Theater Festival”. A free lecture on the modern production of Greek theater by Prof. James Svendsen (University of Utah).
LOCATION: Jundt Center 110, Jundt Auditorium
TIME: 4:30 pm

EVENT: Aristophanes' Lysistrata (with post-production commentary and discussion by Prof. James Svendsen).
LOCATION: The Harry and Colleen Magnuson Theater at Gonzaga University
TIME: 7:30 pm


Sunday, March 28

EVENT: Aristophanes' Lysistrata (with post-production commentary and discussion by Dr. Ardy Bass).
LOCATION: The Harry and Colleen Magnuson Theater at Gonzaga University
TIME: 2 pm