EVENT: "The Labors of Herakles Hunt". A campus-wide treasure hunt for students, sponsored by Unity House. Free and open to all students (see the Greek Week Student Events page for more details).
LOCATION: Unity House, 709 E. DeSmet
TIME: 1-2 pm
For more details, please contact: Tara Schmidt (tschmidt2@gonzaga.edu)
EVENT: “Anatomy of an Ancient Theatre: The Theatre of Dionysus in Athens”. A free lecture on ancient theater construction and the premier ancient theater in Greece by Prof. Thomas Hines (Whitman College).
LOCATION: Jepson Center 114, Wolff Auditorium
TIME: 4:30 pm
EVENT: Open Reception for Lysistrata and Greek Week
LOCATION: Lobby of the Magnuson Theater, College Hall
TIME: 6 pm
EVENT: Aristophanes' Lysistrata (with post-production discussion and commentary by Prof. Thomas Hines) .
LOCATION: The Harry and Colleen Magnuson Theater at Gonzaga University
TIME: 7:30 pm