Greek Week is a week-long extravaganza focused upon ancient Greek drama and culture to be held on the campus of Gonzaga University between March 22 and 28, 2010. Its purpose is to highlight the fundamental contributions made to human society by the ancient Greeks, accomplishments which include the development of science, democracy, philosophy and drama. Featured events will include a production of Aristophanes' Lysistrata at Gonzaga's Magnuson Theater and a free lecture series with specialists on all aspects of Greek culture and history.
Greek Week is an interdepartmental event sponsored by Gonzaga's Classical Civilizations Department and facilitated by faculty members from the departments of Classical Civilizations, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and the Theater Arts Program.
The production of Lysistrata will take place from March 25 to March 28, 2010. For more details , please see the feature page links above.
for Lysistrata continue as the play draws near. For photos of the players and set as they ready the production, click HERE.
Care to take on the Labors of Herakles? Now is your chance: Unity House is sponsoring a campus-wide treasure hunt on Thursday, March 25! For more details, see our Student Events page.