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March 22-28, 2010  

The Lysistrata, by Aristophanes


spinning   March 25-28, 2010

Gonzaga’s Theater Arts Program turns ancient civilization on its oh-so-serious head with Aristophanes’ wild comedy Lysistrata, the outrageous story of mighty Greek warriors brought to their knees when their wives swear to withhold their feminine charms until their bellicose husbands agree to make peace.   Aristophanes’ bawdy, funny, and amazingly modern insights into the folly of war and the struggles between the sexes come to hilarious, R-rated life in GU’s modern-dress production.  Lysistrata is 2,400 hundred years old but sounds like Aristophanes’ ink barely dried yesterday.    

Lysistrata plays March 25, 26, 27 at 7:30 pm and March 27, 28 at 2:00 pm at the Harry and Colleen Magnuson Theatre.  Tickets will go fast, so get your now by calling (509) 313-6553 or online at Web site: www.gonzaga.edu/theatrearts. 

Ticket prices: $8 for students , $10 for GU employees, and $12 for adults.

(Lysistrata is definitely not recommended for children.  Lysistrata is the least dignified part of Gonzaga’s “Greek Week”--a series of lectures and seminars on Greek politics, culture, and life presented from scholars from around the Northwest.)

A reception for Greek Week and Lysistrata will be held in the lobby of the Magnuson Theater on March 25. The reception, which is free and open to all, begins at 6 pm and continues until 7:30 (the start of the evenings performance). Come and join us, to celebrate Greek culture and, coincidentaly, the 119th anniversary of Greek Independence!