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March 22-28, 2010  
Student Events

Details about student events for Greek Week are posted below.


The Labors of Herakles Treasure Hunt

Event title: Campus-wide Herakles Treasure Hunt

Date and time: Thursday, March 25th, 1:00-2:00 p.m.

Place: Meet at Unity House (709 E. DeSmet) at 1:00 with team

Who: Free and Open to all students, teams of 2-4.

Description: Complete the 12 Labors of Herakles with your team of 2-4 people. Trace ancient Greek legend with a chance to win a special gift from Unity House.

Contact Info: Tara Schmidt: tschmidt2@gonzaga.edu; 509-313-5836.

Eta Sigma Phi Movie Night: "Hercules"

Event title: ESP Movie Night (and pizza!)

Date and time: Wednesday, March 24th, 6:30 p.m.

Place: Jundt Auditorium, 110 Jundt Center

Who: Free and Open to all students.
