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Wed Feb 5,  7:00-8:30 pm, Globe Room, Cataldo
Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Magis Institute, Former President of Gonzaga University

Fr Robert J Spitzer, SJ
"Making Sense of the Old Testament in Light of Contemporary Science & the Moral Teaching of Jesus "


Throughout the last five hundred years, the Catholic Church has developed methods to reconcile science with scripture and to explain the development of morality in the Bible. Fr. Spitzer will explore four hermeneutical principles to resolve seeming contradictions between science and scripture, and between the Old and New Testaments: The principles of Pius XII, St. Robert Bellarmine, Joseph Ratzinger, and the Pontifical Biblical Commission.

Thurs Feb 6,  7:00-8:30 pm, Barbieri Courtroom, Gonzaga Law School
Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Magis Institute, Former President of Gonzaga University "How Contemporary Science and History Shed Light on the Ministry, Passion, & Resurrection of Jesus Christ "


Dr. Richard Bauckham and colleagues have made groundbreaking discoveries to reconnect the Gospel eyewitnesses with the traditions underlying our Gospels. At the same time, several groups of scientists have examined the Shroud of Turin—the purported burial cloth of Jesus—revealing probative insights into His passion and resurrection. Fr. Spitzer will explore the results of these investigations and discuss the implications for the reality and significance of Jesus Christ today.

Mon Feb 24, 5:00-6:30 pm, Wolff Auditorium (Jepson 114) Anthony Fisher, Gonzaga University

Anthony Fisher
Anthony Fisher

David Lewis on train
Philosopher David Lewis

"David Lewis in Conversation with Christian Philosophy"

David Lewis was one of the most influential philosophers in the analytic tradition. When it came to religion, he was a ‘contented atheist’. Despite being an atheist, he took philosophy of religion seriously and maintained an extensive correspondence with Christian philosophers, especially with those who put analytic theism on the map (Robert Adams, Alvin Plantinga, Peter van Inwagen). His conversations with Christian philosophers not only impacted the development of analytic theism, but led to an epistemological methodology for discussing topics that one does not believe in their heart to be true. In this talk, I explain this methodology and argue that it is useful for engaging constructively in intellectual debates, where certain propositions are based on faith. The upshot is that disagreement is no barrier to intellectual discussion of religion, so long as the attitude of dogmatism is held in a reflective, measured way with empathetic understanding.


Anthony Fisher has been a faculty member of the Philosophy Department at Gonzaga University since Fall of 2022. He has moved around quite a bit, working at several universities in the US, Canada, and the UK. Before coming to Gonzaga, he was most recently at University of Washington in Seattle. Prior to that he was at the University of Manchester (the second time), Queen's University, Canada, University of Manchester (the first time), and Dalhousie University. Originally from Australia, he received his PhD in Philosophy from Syracuse University in 2012. Growing up in Outback Queensland, he never anticipated that abstract thinking about big questions from the armchair would lead him to travel around the world. His research interests are in Metaphysics, History of Philosophy, and Ethics. Combining the first two areas of interest, he has told a novel narrative about the fall and revival of metaphysics in the analytic tradition, incorporating connections among a variety of thinkers from Samuel Alexander and Grace de Laguna to Donald C. Willians, David Lewis, and David Armstrong. His interests in Ethics stem from his teaching at Gonzaga. In this area he is currently researching AI Ethics.
Mon Apr 7 4:00-5:30 pm, location TBA
Speaker TBA

“Talk TBA”



For information about the Gonzaga Socratic Club or to propose topics or speakers for future meetings, contact the Club Director:

David Calhoun



©2004-2024 David H. Calhoun. Papers and presentation materials available on this site are used by permission of the authors. Site last updated February 18, 2025.